Thursday, February 24, 2011

25 Films That Bibliophiles Still Love

  "The book was way better than the movie",

"The movie spoiled my memory of the book"

These are the usual comments of a bibliophile, a voracious reader, because it is true most of the movies do seem to disappoint when compared to the books they are based on. But if you really want to experience the movies in the whole history which were milestones, and which broke the stereotype by at-least being as good as the book if not better, Try this :)

Glimpse of the article :

"It's inevitable, really. The second a film adaptation of a popular or cult novel is announced, everycollege student's English major friends chime in a (Greek) chorus of woe and detraction before any details even emerge. Understandable, to be certain, but just because Hollywood has a tendency to tinker entirely too much with many literary works doesn't mean they always squirt out artistic diarrhea. Behold! A list of films even the prickliest bibliophile can appreciate. OK…well…maybe the worst of the lot will shoot down every single one of them. But who wants to hang out with negative nancies like that anyway?"
  1. Gone with the Wind (1939) by Victor Fleming:This not-so-romantic movie began life as an equally not-so-romantic novel by Margaret Mitchell, and like all adaptations, it squashed and stretched and deleted and added to make the original plot and characters fit the format......

    for more:


  1. yea yeh to he..books r much bettr..i can say dat frm my nly exprnce wen i compare b/w da vinci code(da book n da muvi)as ive read dat book:D..

  2. saw da list..good yaar uve compared so many books n muvis..:)..u certainly have a bachelors degree in muvis;)lol..

  3. haha..thats not my comparison :P
    m just a link to the article :D
    and "books are always better than movies)
