'If you had one shot, one opportunity, to seize everything you ever wanted, one moment, would you capture it? or just let it slip'
'8 mile', every one's heard about it, it is a movie made on the life story of Eminem, had a quick glance at the movie at first, expected the trash talk and it was really at times too much just to deal with, been placed there just to be, with no sense at all. And well come to think of the movie, people are always a bit prejudiced about it before watching it considering everything.

But well to my surprise the movie had an appeal to it that made me watch it for the second time. Well, yeah though the trash talk was a tad too much but once you get over all that and get to exactly what the movie is all about, you won't be able to resist the temptation to admire this amazing raw art. What this movie actually reveals is that there's a lot to the hip hop music genre besides the glamour facade and that lot is actually way more interesting and in a sense brilliant, than the picture we get. There's a lot of hard work involved, unusual observational skills and yeah at times a sheer genius and not to forget 'the rhyming' which trust me, is not really as easy to frame as it sounds. Last but not the least combining everything under the spotlight facing some really aggressive crowd, makes it really the most unrefined yet highly admirable part of the 'Performing Arts'.
There are certain things which totally worked in the movie's favor for me like the background score: works amazingly to never allow the audience to leave the trance of being in a 'behind-the-scenes' Hip Hop music scenario. Also the scenes where Rabbit works on his Rapping skills with just a pen and a paper that is completely scribbled over and has hardly any space to write anything on, emphasize more on the creative part of the Rapping which I liked.
Other than that the movie's been made with a commercial point of view with a normal plot of 'underdog wins' situation in a slightly twisted manner.
More significantly what this movie did for me was change the way I looked upon Rapping or even Hip hop music which to be frank enough I don't even like, but well after watching the movie, I have come to appreciate it for what it is behind that facade. One still has to be very selective though ;)
eminem is just the best. he can put his whole life story in a song and always find words to ryme with. i give him all my respect id never doubt him.
ReplyDeleteGreat Review. You understand the pulse of the movie so much. Hats off